Heart Failure Awareness Week

February 13-19, 2022 is Heart Failure Awareness Week, a nationwide campaign to bring awareness to the risk factors, signs, symptoms, and treatment of heart failure (HF). HF is a progressive condition in which the heart loses its ability to pump enough blood to supply the body’s needs. While the term “heart failure” might imply that the heart is no longer working and there is no hope for recovery, this is not entirely true. The theme for Heart Failure Awareness Week 2022 – Heart Success: Function Not Failure – will shed light on all that can be done to treat HF based on how a patient’s heart is functioning.
About 6.2 million adults in the United States are living with heart failure [1] and the course of treatment and patient prognosis can vary greatly by individual. Despite this staggering number, patients living with HF can indeed lead normal, active lifestyles. The Heart Success: Function Not Failure campaign aims to empower patients living with HF and their caregivers or loved ones to learn about the how-tos of self-advocacy, shared decision-making, making healthy choices to improve their quality of life, and optimizing visits with their healthcare provider team. The campaign will also provide information for at-risk individuals, including who might be at-risk and how they can start a conversation about the risk factors and signs of HF.