Lori Hack, MBA

Lori is Principal and CEO at Object Health. Ms. Hack is a nationally recognized health technology leader and has led efforts organizing Health Information Organizations (HIOs) in California for Alameda, Contra Costa, Riverside, San Joaquin and San Francisco Counties and more recently Central Oregon and Northern New York Counties. Ms. Hack also leads Object Health’s team in their work around clinic implementation of electronic health records for achieving meaningful use. Ms. Hack has worked with the Department of Health Care Service supporting specialists and other providers in their effort to achieve Meaningful Use funding for MediCaid programs since 2015. She is also currently working with MediCal Health Plans around the state supporting quality improvement efforts through research, technical assessment and workflow redesign to enhance HEDIS and encounter data reporting for population management projects. Previously Ms. Hack served as Program Liaison for the California Privacy and Security Advisory Board on behalf of the California Office of Health Information Integrity. She has advised the State Attorney General office on Medical Identity Theft and worked with the CalOHII office on Data Stewardship and Governance among county and State agencies.
Additionally, Ms. Hack consulted for the State of California on Mental Health Information Technology through the California Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Previously Ms. Hack served as Interim CEO for the California Regional Health Information Organization (CalRHIO) and Executive Director for Health Technology Center (HealthTech). She served several terms on the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) Privacy Expert Panel, directed by Secretary Leavitt of Health and Human Services. Ms. Hack earned her BA in psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles, and her MBA from the University of Southern California.
Phone: (209) 754-4468
E-Mail: lhack@mthcd.org
Term Expires 2024
Lori Hack Form 700 Feb 28, 2024.pdfLori Hack Ethics AB 1234 Training Cert (Exp, 10-19-2025).pdf